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The History of Acrylic Nails Paoli How They Became a Beauty Trend at Nailsalon Malvern in Paoli

Acrylic nails have become an iconic trademark in the beauty and fashion industry. If you need long fingers, a more substantial manicure application, or even complex nail art, then acrylics are for you. The Nailsalon Malvern in Paoli's acrylic nails is among the prefered nails by the clients looking for style and strength. But how did the use of acrylic nails get to be known the way it is today? This article provides an overview of the origin, evolution, and enviable history of acrylic nails in the beauty and fashion world.

What Acrylic Nails Are?

Before one starts narrating the story of acrylic nails one must know what the artificial nail extensions are. Acrylic nails are the kind of artificial nails that allow women to enhance their natural hand appearance. They are created from a mixture of liquid monomer and powder polymer. Whats more, when exposed to air, these agents create a paste which eventually hardens. When glued over one’s natural finger nails, this paste is adjusted into the perfect shape and length. Moreover, even after putting on the nails, the acrylic are stress resistant and the nails can be ornamented with intricate designs.

In the 1980s acrylic nails became popular all over but in reality, their origin dates way back in history. So, let’s discuss how exactly did acrylic nails become one of the beauty standards in the history.

What Are The Origin Points of Acrylic Nails in Paoli

Before the widespread awareness of acrylic nails as one of the fashionable trends, the story encompasses the early 20th century timeline.

1900s: People starting to look for Artificial nail care solutions

People began to look for ways to extend and protect their natural nails, so the artificial nails concept was formed within the early of 1900. Acrylics haven’t yet been introduced so the ancient Egyptians relied on a blend of materials set in a mixture made from gold or ivory to make nail enhancements. Because they defined civilization, these first nail “cosmetics” were mostly done for nobility or upper-class individuals.

During the early twentieth century, empirical evidence suggests that purchasers began manufacturing cosmetics to defend or beautify the natural nails. Nevertheless, before the modern era of acrylic nails, the products had not had much practicality. Typically, they were manufactured from celluloid or other plastics not meant to last long.

1940s: The Start of False Nail Art

The approach towards the idea of having artificial nails began to be a little more recognisable form in the 1940s. This period also saw the introduction of artificial extensions in the form of press on nails. Initially, press-on nails were made of plastic and were applied over natural nails. While they were easy to use, it lacked the strength and elegance associated with modern acrylic nails.

The use of plastic press-on nails was indeed a progressive step in artificial nail advancement but still the materials utilized were still not quite advanced enough and the method of applying these press on artificial nails was relatively less sophisticated than those employed in a modern day nail salon.

Acrylic Fringes and Their Innovative Turning Points

A continuation of acrylic nails began in the 1950’s thanks to the direct input of a dentist from California named Dr. Stuart Nordstrom. One of the projects that he was involved in was a mixture of polymers and monomers which could evolve into a form that is perfect for persistent use. The cover that he got from this mixture was extremely ideal as it was not only nailing shaped but could also easily be released by gentle pressure as well as being quite durable when pressed, meaning it would be perfect to protect the natural nail.

1950s: Birth of acrylic nails

One of the other major advantages of this cementing substance is that it made nails stronger and longer, particularly for women whose nails were already weak or brittle; hence Dr. Nordstrom made use of an acrylic mix in her patients' nails. The possibilities that this combination of polymers and monomers could bring was revolutionary in the field of nails. Hence it is safe to say Dr. Nordstrom was pivotal in the creation of modern acrylics nails.

In the beginning, acrylic nails were mainly used by women to conceal damaged or broken nails. Nonetheless, once more people learned about the advantages of acrylic nails, their usage widened to include not only beauty and fashion.

1960s – Improving the usefulness of the process of putting on acrylic nails

As the beauty industry flourished during the 1960s, the application of acrylic nails became well acknowledged and of interest to women. During this time, more and more beauty clinics started providing their clients with the service of having artificial nails made of acrylics. At this time the majority of women who came for salon services only used nails for practical purposes such as covering damaged or short nails. But more women began getting acrylics as they began to realize the numerous possibilities of unique nail art that enclosed acrylics along with longer length.

Throughout the 1960s, the application of acrylic nails continued to progress by leaps and bounds and sooner or later publication of the acrylic nails would be in high demand. The entire process of putting on the nails was carried out in stages where special acrylic mixture was guided with specialized brushes or applied onto the nails by themselves. Afterwards, the filed hardened combination was sculpted into pleasing shapes so that it would have a soft and professional appearance. Over the years, nail technologists were taught how to do it correctly, which greatly improved how acrylics were applied allowing them to be able to do it within a shorter amount of time.

The Emergence of Acrylic Nails in The 1980s

Acrylic nails have completely integrated themselves into the beauty industry by the 1980s. It was during this time that the prominence of nail salons grew , and these acrylic nails were in great demand. As a matter of fact, the 1980s are dubbed as the “golden age” for acrylic nails because it was during this time that women wore them as a more stylish and durable option for nails.

The Growth of Nail Salons

Acrlyic nails are what started the trend of nail salons in the US and globally. These were dedicated establishments that offered professional application of acrylic and gel nails, as well as nail art. The nail salon boom began during this time along with the increasing popularity of acrylic nails.

We at Nailsalon Malvern in Paoli, continue this tradition by providing our customers with the same top standard acrylic nails. The beauty sector as a whole, and emphasizing nails at the end of the 1980s, expanded globally.

Introduction of Acrylic Nails

Acrylic nails went mainstream in the 1980s, starting as a fashion accessory rather than just a tool. This jump in their popularity was the result of their extensive usage by models, social influencers, and celebrities who began to sport the nails. The combination of extended flexibility in designs along with different lengths turning nails into personalized fashion tools suited different people. Customization of acrylic nails through painting, designs, and even jewels elevated art and creativity.

Aesthetics started to rule the world in the late 1990’s or early 2000’s so completion of these criteria made acrylic nails a norm in every woman’s beauty regime. Each year added some innovation or introduction of some new trends pushed the boundaries further and further, enabling women to experiment with nails even more.

Acrylic Nails in the 1990s and the 2000s

Buildup of acrylic nails never deserted any decade so why the 90’s and the 2000’s should be any different. Rather, as new strategies and trends infiltrated acrylics, the trend has only increased. Moving from just a tool for use, acrylic designs became social tools for expression and fashion.

Acrylic Nails and their Artistry

In contemporary society, both acrylic nails and their Artistic component went hand in hand. Today, the placement of acrylic nails and the structures of the nail forms make it possible whether the addition of nail art techniques will result in modification in any way. Adding ombres, marble, 3D, stilettos, acrylic can be everything a designer would look for. At Nailsalon Malvern in Paoli, our clientele often arrive expressing their desire for special designs that have metallic, floral and other patterns.

Why acrylic nails is the best option for nail treatment is the simplicity of how they can be painted, decorated and customized. Besides Instagram and Pinterest, There have also been an increase in demand for outlandish and intricate designs for acrylic nails with the surge in use of other social media platforms.

Changes in Technology related to Acrylic Nails

As the technology grew, so did the options in nail care and the way acrylic nails should be applied. Thanks to the usage of lighter and more flexible acrylic materials a few of the negatives associated with acrylics such as how brittle and heavy they were has been reduced tremendously. Furthermore, newer acrylic mixtures are expected to be stronger and chip resistant.

Besides, the improvement of the UV and LED curing systems made the application of acrylic nails faster than before it made it possible for the salons to work with more clients and provide even greater design options.

Acrylic Nails and Their Adaptability

Currently, the clients do not only have to deal with the basic shape of acrylic nails, today they can go ahead and request for customized acrylic nails that they desire. From wanting natural designs or short nail types, or even bold long nail tips, acrylic nails can be shaped and molded to the perfect client specifications. The extent of this customizability is one reason why acrylic nails are always in demand.

At the Nailsalon Malvern, our clients are never disappointed as we ensure that every clients expectations are met when it comes to simple or cleaner and artistic textured acrylic nails.


From the time Pensee Pierre invented the acrylic nails back in the 1950s, a great deal of evolution has occurred. What was originally an elegant innovation designed for people who had damaged nails is currently one of the most sought after beauty practices across the world. Behind the great contemporaneity of acrylic nails, there is a large amount of evolution, creativity and love of art that goes into beautifying natural nails.

Acrylics have seen tides from being a niche to a trend of the 80s to being a norm now all across the globe. The potential of acrylics never seem to cease as technology only gets better... The fact that no matter what excess length, strength or effect you wish to achieve, acrylic nails are pretty versatile.

For our nailsalon malvern clients based in Paoli, we haven’t stopped and are still on our quest to offer good looking acrylic nails that are worth it, by bringing creativity and technology to deliver the best nail care service. As said, acrylics have a timeline of great growth and innovations and there is no period of stagnation in sight for a while.

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